BYD: LIVE Tablet App
Now available for Apple and Android devices for *$19.99* (annual subscription)
With millennial preferences in mind, Care Net has developed an educational app for your client room toolbox. A perfect complement to the conversation and relationship building that is the signature of your client care, the BYD: Live app creates an interactive, visual experience for the client to learn about pregnancy options, including abortion, adoption, parenting, and marriage. It is the perfect companion to Before You Decide (BYD), our popular magazine-style resource, which expands on the information in the app. BYD: Live is not a digital version of the Before You Decide magazine. It is a completely original, interactive experience for your clients, inspired by the content of the magazine.
Short videos (5-7 minutes each) of a physician explaining abortion procedures (including medical abortions), complications, and risks in all three trimesters
- Short video of a professional therapist explaining the potential emotional impacts of abortion
- Care Net’s “Before You Decide: Abortion or Baby” animated educational video
- Pregnancy calculator to determine estimated due date
- Quizzes to educate on adoption and marriage
- Full Gospel presentation using EvanTell’s Bad News/Good News format
- Specific content for both female and male clients
- Integration with EHD’s Little One Pregnancy Guide app showing video images of life in the womb through all stages of pregnancy (Note: The EHD app is now available in both Spanish and English for tablets and smart phones at no charge and can be offered as a free resource to all pregnant clients during their first office visit!)
- $19.99 annual automatically renewing subscription. When the app is opened, you must be connected to wifi in order for your tablet to verify your subscription. You can then disconnect from wifi and still run the app, as long as you leave the app running (do not close it).
- And much more!
In line with Care Net’s standards of excellence, the app has been approved by Care Net’s Medical Advisory Board.
Click below to learn more:
Would you like to know which tablet devices* BYD: Live is approved for? Here's a list of which tablets to use.
*Please note that BYD: Live is specifically a tablet app and can be used with certain devices. It is not formatted for use on either a laptop or desktop computer.
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